Bylaw and CC&R Amendment (Proposed)

Posted By on June 7, 2023

Last week you should have received a packet of information related to some very important amendments proposed to the Villa Balboa Bylaws and CC&Rs. We understand there is a lot of legal information.

Please be sure to attend one or more of the informational Town Hall Meetings before casting your vote.

The Town Hall meetings are scheduled starting today Wednesday, June 7th (full schedule below). Three of these meetings will be via Zoom and two will be in-person at the Clubhouse. These meetings will serve to provide background and historical information as well as to answer questions.

The ballot includes four parts. There is a lot of information to consider, most of which is legal. Below is a


1.) Bylaw Amendment – Reduce the quorum for the annual elections of the Board of Directors from 50% to 25%.

2.) CC&R Amendment #1 – Keep existing maintenance responsibilities as is but illustrate the division of responsibility on a new Exhibit to be added to the CC&Rs.

3.) CC&R Amendment #2 – Remove the existing cap of $50 on Architectural Review Fees with the intent to replace this with a tiered structure based on the type of application submitted.

4.) CC&R Amendment #3 – Amend and clarify requirements for homeowner insurance coverage.

Meetings to be held via Zoom at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, June 7th
Wednesday, June 21st
Wednesday, July 5th

Join Zoom Meeting

Join by Phone (Audio Only)

+1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 445 721 3175

Password: 620986

Meetings to be held in person at the Clubhouse at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, June 14th
Wednesday, June 28th

We hope to see you there. And thank you for taking the time to consider this very important issue.


900 Cagney Lane
Newport Beach, CA 92663
phone | (949) 450-0202

Management Team

Community Manager
Donna DePledge |

Resident Service Coordinator
Cindy Torres |

Manager Assistant Team
Manager Assistant Team |

Management Company

Action Property Management
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602