Hello Villa Balboa Homeowners, Below is the Zoom information for the Town Hall Meeting on 7/27 where Management will be reviewing with the community the Water Intrusion Policy and...
With the new Rules and Regulations in place regarding dogs, the number of dogs in the community has increased. We want to remind all homeowners that when the dog...
The 270 Cagney remodel project will be begin on October 8th and will continue though November 10th. Included in the project will be painting, carpet replacement and tile replacement.
With the 950 Cagney interior remodel coming to a close on 10/6, the 270 Cagney remodel will begin on 10/8. The work will last about six (6) weeks from...
From August 4th to August 25th the Association will be placing the initial seal coat over the new asphalt on each Tuesday starting at 7:00 a.m. through noon on...
Please make sure that all users of the pool are following the temporary pool rules. Failure to do so will result in a hearing where the common area privileges...
On May 24th, another coral tree fell within the community. This is the second coral tree to fall within the last 12 months at Villa Balboa (in addition to the...
The Board of Directors is continuing to monitor the situation with COVID-19 and the reopening of the pool, gym and tennis court. We will be sending out an e-mail...
The Association is continuing to monitor the Shelter in Place order. During this time, the Pools, Tennis Court and Clubhouse areas will remain closed. The 950 and 270 Cagney...